Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fast Facts About Australian Immigration

1. You have to have attained a satisfactory level of English before lodging your visa application.

2. For maximum skilled migration points (ie. 25 points) you have to sit and score appropriately in an IELTS test even if you come from an English speaking country.

3. To be eligible for a partner visa you do not need to be in a heterosexual relationship.

4. To migrate to Australia as an I.T. worker your base salary is different to that of any other skilled migration occupation.

(Base salary for skilled migration [as of August 1st 2008] $43,440 per annum, base salary for I.T [as of August 1st 2008] $59,480 per annum)

5. The current waiting period for an offshore standard parent visa is approximately 18 years.

6. To obtain extra points for a skilled occupation on the MODL (Migration Occupation in Demand List) you need to have worked in the occupation or a closely related occupation for at least 12 months out of the previous 4 years (the previous 4 years dates back as of the date of lodgment).

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