Thursday, June 5, 2008

Family Visa

People who have close family living in Australia (such as a parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandchild or grandparent) may be able to migrate to Australia. People who are in a relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent residence visa holder who is their fiancé(e), spouse or de facto spouse (including same-sex couples) can apply for a partners visa.


Partners: If you are legally married to your partner, intend to marry your fiancé within 9 months or if you have been in a
de facto spouse relationship for 12 months, you can be sponsored by your Australian partner for a permanent visa. To apply for a spouse visa both partners must be at least 18 years old and be in a genuine and continuing relationship to the exclusion. They have to show that they share their life together and live together or are separated only temporarily. After two years provided the relationship is still ongoing you would be eligible to obtain permanent residency (the first 2 years you hold a temporary visa).

Children: If you want to sponsor a dependent child, the child must be under 18 years or between 18 and 25, a financially dependent full time student and not in full-time work. In addition the child cannot be married or engaged and must have never married or been in a de facto relationship. You are also able to sponsor a child older than 18 years if the child is physically or mentally incapacitated and can not look after themselves.

Parents can be sponsored by their ‘Australian' child if they pass the “balance of family” test and the sponsor supplies an assurance of support & payment of a health services and a social security bond. Under the balance of family test at least half of the parent's children must live in Australia.

Other family visas that are available are for ‘orphaned unmarried relatives' under 18, carers who are willing to provide their Australian sponsor with assistance and for last remaining relatives whose only family is in Australia.

More information contact our office: Details here

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